Hi social workers!
Answer key revise and check 5&6
1 a  6 c
2 c  7 b
3 a  8 a
4 b  9 b
5 c  10 b

1 waste  2 spend  3 lend  4 coming back  5 teaching
1 sell  2 pull  3 forget  4 fail  5 learn 
1 crowded  2 safe  3 noisy 4 south  5 museum 
6 palace  7 mosque  8 bones  9 grain  10 skin
1 on  2 in  3 of  4 at  5 for

a No, he doesn't.

1 F   2 T   3 T   4 T   5 F   6 T   7 F   8 F  
Answer key revise and check 7&8
1 a 6 a
2 c 7 a
3 b 8 c
4 c 9 c
5 b 10 b

a 1 meet
2 tell
b 1 forget
2 learn
3 try
4 promise
c 1 Very
2 incredibly
d 1 lost
2 home / back
3 better
4 tickets
11 a
12 b
13 b
14 c
15 c
3 miss
4 hope
5 enjoy
6 mind
7 hate
8 fin ish
3 bit
4 rather
5 on
6 divorced
7 from

a Because they are lazy.
b Tick: 2, 4, 6, 7

2nd Term Test


En el examen escrito se incluirán preguntas de gramática y vocabulario (use of English), un ejercicio de listening, un reading (texto y preguntas de comprensión) y un ejercicio de writing. 

Estos son los contenidos que entrarán en el examen:


- Orden de palabras en preguntas 
- Presente simple 
- Presente continuo 
- Pasado simple
- Pasado continuo 
- Time sequencers and connectors (then, later, after that, because, although, etc)
- Futuro: be going to 
- Oraciones de relativo (who, which, where)
- Comparativo y superlativo
- Present perfect + just/yet/already/ever
- Quantifiers / too / enough
- Usos de will/won't 
- Infinitive (to) and gerunds (-ing)
- Modal verbs (must, have to, must, mustn't, should)


- Descripción de personas: apariencia y personalidad
- Areas of social work and jobs(ficha)

- Social work skills (ficha)
- Vacaciones
- Verbos y preposiciones
- Expresiones para parafrasear: like, for example,etc

- Definiciones social work
- Expresiones with time (Unit 5A)
- Health and body (U5C)
- Verbs + gerunds 
- Verbs + inftinitive
- Get 
- Confusing verbs (p160 libro) 
- Vocabulario 'reading' (actividades de clase)


- Profile (perfil personal: trabajo, estudios, intereses)
- Personal description (descripción física y personalidad)
- Lifestyle
- Future plans
- A past event


El examen oral consistirá en:

1 Formular y responder preguntas. Elegiréis unas preguntas (4-5) que haréis a vuestros compañeros y viceversa .

Las preguntas que podréis elegir son las siguientes:

What school subject do / did you like most?

Why are you studying English?

Do you want to learn any other language? Why?

What did you have for dinner last night?

What are your plans for your next holiday?

What is the best book you have ever read?

Do you like beach or city holidays? Why?

Which country would you most like to visit? Why?

Have you ever spoken English abroad? When?

What job would you most like to have? Why?

What school subjects don't / didn't you like?

What kind of music do you like?

What are your plans for next week?

What do you usually use your computer for?

What did you have for lunch yesterday?

What is the best film you have ever seen?

What would be a perfect night out for you?

What is your favourite photo? Why?

Have you ever been anywhere very hot? Where?

What do you enjoy doing on holiday?

Where do you usually buy your clothes?

What do you like doing at the weekend?

Are you watching any TV series at the moment?

Are you studying for an exam at the moment?

Where did you go on holiday last year?

Did you do anything exciting last Saturday night?

Were you sleeping when the alarm clock rang this morning?

Have you ever had the same dream again and again?

Have you ever dreamed about something that then happened?

Are you going to learn a new foreign language next year?

Do you think your country will win the next football World Cup?

What are you doing tonight?


SOCIAL WORKER SKILL: how to ask questions

  1. Open-ended: give you the best chance of getting the whole story. These questions can’t be answered with a yes or no. The child will tell you the full story.
  • I note that you have a bruise. How did it happen?
  • Tell me more about that. 
  • Tell me about what you do after school.
  • I hear that you are having some problems at school now. Would you like to tell me about that?
  1. Closed-ended: for specific information (when, who, where). 
  • Where did this happen?
  • Why did he hit you?
  • What did he hit you with?
  • How often does this happen?
  • Does he have a job now?

Marisol is 8 years old.  She lives with her mother, older brother Luis (age 19) and her little sister Carmen (age 5) in a government-funded housing project. 

A second-grade teacher came into your office very upset and she told you that she found something in Marisol’s lunch box: a plastic baggie with white powder in it. It was analyzed by the police and the result was what you feared: pure crack cocaine. 

You need to follow up on this case. Marisol comes to your office. She immediately goes to the toy area and takes a stuffed animal off the shelf and hugs it tightly. You ask her to come to the round table with the stuffed animal. She is very tired. 

How can you get the information necessary from her to determine what steps should be taken?

Write some questions and do a role-play (2-3 minutes)

You can ask about: her family, her parents’ job, friends, school, daily routine, previous home/school. 

INTRO: introduce yourself and try to gain the girl’s trust
OPEN QUESTIONS: to get to know Marisol and the whole story. 
CLOSED QUESTIONS: to get specific details about the story. 

CLOSING: finish the interview / say goodbye 

You must finish the conversation by tomorrow because we'll start performing the role-plays.

This could be you!


En el examen escrito se incluirán preguntas de gramática y vocabulario (use of English), un ejercicio de listening, un reading (texto y preguntas de comprensión) y un ejercicio de writing. 

Estos son los contenidos que entrarán en el examen:

- Orden de palabras en preguntas 
- Presente simple 
- Presente continuo 
- Pasado simple
- Pasado continuo 
- Time sequencers and connectors (then, later, after that, because, although, etc)
- Futuro: be going to 
- Oraciones de relativo (who, which, where)

- Descripción de personas: apariencia y personalidad
- Areas of social work and jobs(ficha)

- Social work skills (ficha)
- Vacaciones
- Verbos y preposiciones
- Expresiones para parafrasear: like, for example,etc

- Definiciones social work

- Profile (perfil personal: trabajo, estudios, intereses)
- Personal description (descripción física y personalidad)


En navidad quiero que hagáis esta actividad de reading para corregirla a la vuelta de vacaciones.

También podéis repasar los últimos conceptos vistos en clase con estas actividades:
Unit 4

UNIT 5 a, Unit 5 b


Merry Christmas!!🎄 

WRITING: an email cover letter. 📧

Learn how to write a cover letter to respond to a job advert. 
Please do the preparation task and tasks 1, 2, 3. 
writing preparation exercises

Writing task
You must write a cover letter (120-140 words) for the following job position:

Social Work Technician (A/B)
Dept of Children and Families Holyoke, MA 01040

$41,952 - $56,205 a year

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is committed to upholding the fundamental mission of protecting children from abuse and neglect to ensure they are able to grow and thrive in a safe and nurturing environment. DCF’s vision is that all children have the right to grow up in a nurturing home, free from abuse and neglect, with access to food, shelter, clothing, health care and education. DCF works toward establishing the safety, permanency and well-being of the Commonwealth's children by: stabilizing and preserving families; providing quality temporary alternative care when necessary, safely reunifying families; and when necessary and appropriate, creating new families through kinship, guardianship or adoption. Preferred applicants will possess a demonstrated commitment to the core practice values: 1) child-driven, 2) family-centered, 3) community-focused, 4) strength-based, 5) committed to diversity/cultural competency, and, 6) committed to continuous learning.

We are seeking applicants for the role of SOCIAL WORKER TECHNICIAN. Our ideal candidates will possess a passion for working in the field of child welfare and social work and will support DCF Social Workers in providing services to children and families who are open consumers of DCF.


Respuestas reading task (Christmas homework)

1. Technical advisor for vulnerable children and social systems strengthening. 
2. Assists the poor and vulnerable internationally. 
3 Any acceptable answer. 
4 Social service systems strengthening.
5 Project proposal development, project implementation, project monitoring and evaluation. 
6 Support the agency, regional offices and country offices of catholic relief services. 
7 Go-between/coordinate/facilitate.
8 Smooth, working together well.
9 Seamless quality programming'-smooth operations. 
10 Capacity, ability. 


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Hi everyone! Here you are a very useful chart to revise the tenses in English. Remember to study the SIGNAL WORDS! ENGLISH TENSES ENGL...